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  • Where can I build a PolyHouse?
    PolyHouses are designed to be approved with a Complying Development Consent (CDC) under the NSW SEPP (Low Rise Medium Density) Legislation, which is yet to be adopted in all Local Government areas. (for more information: Latest News on Low Rise Medium Density Code) PolyHouses can also be approved and built under a Development Application in areas areas with suitable Zoning. There are likely be aditional compliance requirements under Council's development codes that will need to be met. Many of our PolyHouses will meet or can be adapted to meet typical Council code requiremets. We would be very happy to assist you with investigations into Council Zoning and code requirements. Please feel free to contact us. Minimum site width for Dual Occupancies is 12m and 400sqm and for Manor Houses is 15m and 600sqm.
  • What will a PolyHouse cost?
    PolyHouses vary in cost, depending on size (number of homes) and the quality of finishes. They currently start at around $2500/sqm, however, we're currently investigating how we might be able to deliver cheaper homes, without sacrificiing the quality.
  • How long do approvals take for PolyHouses?
    Complying Development Consent (CDC) These do not require approval through local Councils. CDC's can be typically turned around in 2 weeks. NB: where modifcation of the plans is required to accomodate site particulars or personal requirements, timeframes should be extended, by approximately a month. Some local Council Approvals may also be required for driveways and the like, which may extend timeframes. Development Application (DA) Where PolyHouses are fully compliant with Council codes, DA submissions can go in within 3-4 weeks. Should additional amendments be required to the designs, changes may take another 3-4 weeks. Council approvals process varies significantly from Council to Council, taking anything from 6 weeks to 12 months (or more).
  • How long does a PolyHouse take to build?
    The prefabricated PolyHouse can be completed within 3-4 months from the time we start working on site to the time you move in. We can also build PolyHouses entirely on site. Construction times for these are longer and take upwards of 9 months.
  • What different designs are available?
    We currently have a number of Manor House designs, with both 3 and 4 homes and options that take into account different site orientations to north. Similarly we have a number of configurations for Dual occupancies, with some ongoing work to refine these designs. At this stage we only have concept designs for Terrace Houses but will be developing these designs in time. We would be happy to talk to anyone looking to build terrace houses with a view to finalising suitable designs. We are constantly developing new designs. If you have specific design requirements we may be able to work with you to come up with a new design, if we identifiy it as a design that could be added to our portfolio.
  • Can you customise your designs?
    Modifications to our designs to accomodate personal or Council requirements are possible, but contingent upon the Consent requirements. This may attract some additional costs.
  • Do you have single houses?
    No, currently we only have designs for Manor Houses, Dual Occupancies and we're developing designs for Terrace Houses.
  • Do you do designs for one-off PolyHouses?
    As architects, we would be pleased to do one off designs, but architectural fees are applicable. Please contact us to discuss how we might be able to help.
  • What materials and finishes do they come in?
    All PolyHouses typically come in lightweight cladding: Ecoply, timber weatherboards, fibre cement sheet (rendered or painted finish), corrogated steel, and other proprietary claddings.
  • Are you able to arrange financing?
    No, this is not a service that we currently offer.

©2019 by PolyHouse.

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